What is Interim Management?
You have a business problem which needs resolution quick – best by a hands-on, highly experienced senior manager within a certain period of time.
The following situations could be quite a challenge for your business, considering key indicators like time, revenues and costs:
- Business management shortage
- Seasonal peaks of back-orders
- Short-/long-term deputyship
- Temporary projects
What can you do about it? Very simple – get your ”Interim Manager” on board, let this person fix it for you! You should concentrate on your key responsibilities as an executive, let the interim manager sort out the day-to-day routine work of your business!
Contact us and find out if you need an interim manager or a management consultant.
What is an Interim Manager?
You can describe such a person being a hybrid of a consultant, a project manager and an executive well experienced to work at a senior management level.
Often executives see the necessity of a management consultant before they finally decide to go with an interim manager. Depending on the case, an interim manager has advantages compared to a management consultant. Those include:
- a high cost efficacy
- your business needs and objectives are key to the interim manager
- flexibility in what needs to be done, not restricted by the consultancy’s policy
- focussing on your business’ profitability and not on the consulting company’s
- not interested in selling additional consulting services